University of Wisconsin-Whitewater


At 足彩平台, we are focused on great teaching and mentoring. Across both our Whitewater and Rock County campuses, our faculty and staff members are teachers, advisors, guides, coaches and counselors who care deeply about student success. They are also making contributions large and small to the advancement of their disciplines and to the betterment of their communities. Through the 足彩平台 university-wide awards, we are proud to recognize their professional achievements and big hearts.

Choose a category below to get started:

Faculty and Academic Staff awards

University Staff awards

Diversity and Inclusivity awards

Faculty and Academic Staff awards

W. P. Roseman Excellence in Teaching Award

The W. P. Roseman Excellence in Teaching Award is presented annually to a faculty member in recognition of outstanding teaching and the improvement of student learning.

About the award

Established in memory of W. P. Roseman, who directed the campus elementary school from 1919 to 1942, the award recognizes a faculty member who has a record of sustained teaching excellence at either of 足彩平台's campuses for at least 6 to 8 years. The recipient is chosen by an all-university committee of faculty members and students.

All nominees will be publicly announced and celebrated through university communication. The recipient of the award will:

  • Receive a physical and monetary award
  • Have their name and photograph displayed in the Anderson Library for one year
  • Carry the ceremonial mace at commencement ceremony during the following academic year
  • Be recognized at university events

Eligibility and selection process

Each college submits one nominee for the award.  College nominees are chosen according to criteria established by the respective colleges.

A candidate's nomination materials should consist of the following documents, combined into a single electronic PDF:

  1. A current curriculum vita.
  2. A one-to-two-page statement of teaching philosophy including evidence of impact on students, student learning, and/or student success (1,250 words maximum).
  3. A table summary of student evaluations for courses taught during the past three years including department averages, if available. For context, a copy of the course evaluation form and a short paragraph to explain any special circumstances can be included.
  4. At most, two different examples (up to two pages per example) that illustrate classroom activities, assignments, or pedagogy. Examples may include, but are not limited to, an assignment description, a rubric for assessing an assignment, use of media in teaching a concept, or evidence of innovation in teaching.
  5. An annotated list of non-credit academic activities involving students (for example, conducting student research or seminars, advising organizations) or any other evidence of outstanding teaching ability.
  6. A letter of nomination from the department or college selection committee. This letter should address how the faculty member has a love of learning and has exhibited teaching expertise, and any relevant context to evaluate the student evaluations.
  7. A maximum of three letters of recommendation from current students for the W. P. Roseman Excellence in Teaching Award. At least one should be from a current student attending 足彩平台.
  8. Two letters from among the following: campus colleagues, department chairperson, and/or dean addressing the nominee's qualifications as an outstanding teacher.

The recipient of this award is selected by a committee composed of one faculty representative and one student representative from each academic college, with a designee from the Provost's Office chairing the committee.  


Deadline: March 1

Please contact Kristin Plessel , associate vice chancellor for academic affairs with any questions.

Nomination Form

2024 - L. Roger Yin, Information Technology and Supply Chain Management 
2023 - Max L. White, Art and Design
2022 - Jon M. Werner, Management
2021 - Nomsa Gwalla-Ogisi, Special Education
2020 - Carol Scovotti, Marketing
2019 - George H. Jones, Business/Economics, 足彩平台 at Rock County
2018 - Rex Hanger, Geography, Geology and Environmental Sciences
2017 - Susan Wildermuth, Communication
2016 - Jimmy Peltier, Marketing
2015 - Susan Huss-Lederman, Languages and Literatures
2014 - Tamas Szabo, Mathematical and Computer Science
2013 - Yezdi Godiwalla, Management 
2012 - Charles Olson, Art
2011 - Barbara Beaver, Psychology
2010 - Marilyn Durham, Languages and Literature
2009 - John Howat - Finance and Business Law
2008 - Robert Gruber, Accounting
2007 - Barbara Penington, Communication
2006 - Lois Smith, Marketing
2005 - Scott Bradley, Communicative Disorders
2004 - John Dominguez, Economics
2003 - Diana Rogers-Adkinson, Special Education
2002 - Ron Berger, Sociology
2001 - Christian Ellenwood, Music
2000 - James Leaver, Languages and Literatures
1999 - Brenda O'Beirne, Counselor Education
1998 - Charles Green, Sociology
1997 - Gregory Valde, Educational Foundations
1996 - George Ferencz, Music
1995 - Arno Kleimenhagen, Marketing
1994 - Richard Jentoft, Communicative Disorders
1993 - Jerome Witherill, Safety Studies
1992 - Clifford O'Beirne, Psychology
1991 - John Kozlowicz, Political Science 
1990 - Robert Burrows, English 
1989 - Gordon Hedahl, Theatre/Dance
1988 - Edward Drexler, Chemistry
1987 - Charles Zastrow, Social Work
1986 - Karen Kirst-Ashman, Women's Studies
1985 - Frederic Sederholm, Theatre/Dance
1984 - Bennette Harris, Mathematics & Computer Science
1983 - I-Ning Huang, Psychology
1982 - Jack Cummings, Biology
1981 - Ike Schaffer, Educational Foundations
1980 - John Montague, Art
1979 - Karen Boubel, Music
1978 - David Saunders, English
1977 - Lowell Youngs, Music
1976 - Larry Davis, Mathematics
1975 - Jerome Laurent, Economics
1974 - Margaret Mueller, Elementary Education
1973 - Robert Perinchief, Music
1972 - Mary Margaret Hosler, Business Education and Office Administration
1971 - Herbert Lundin, Geography/Geology
1970 - Fannie Hicklin, Theatre/Dance
1969 - Henry Meyer, Biology
1968 - Raymond Light, Music
1967 - Lloyd Liedtke, Elementary Education
1965 - Rudolph Prucha, Physics

Outstanding Research Award

The Outstanding Research Award is given annually in recognition of a single faculty member making significant advances to knowledge, technique, or creative expression in their professional discipline.

About the award

All nominees will be publicly announced and celebrated through university communication. The recipient of the award will:

  • Receive a physical and monetary award
  • Have their name and photograph displayed in the Anderson Library for one year
  • Be recognized at university events

Eligibility and selection process

Each college nominates one candidate for the award. Nominations must be submitted by the college dean’s office.

A candidate's nomination materials should consist of the following documents, combined into a single electronic PDF:

  1. The nominee's resume of research activities.

The resume should be organized according to the outline below. Items within each category should be listed in reverse chronological order (i.e., most recent work listed first). Activities in progress or results not yet accepted for presentation or publication should not be included.

  1. Bibliography of professional publications. (Attach photocopies of title pages of publications, and show evidence if publications were refereed)
  2. Dates, places, and descriptions of professional exhibits and performances. (Attach evidence if exhibits or performances were juried)
  3. Author(s), titles, meetings, and dates of papers presented at professional meetings
  4. Principal investigator(s), project titles, funding sources, amounts funded, and project periods for grants received Other evidence or previous recognition of research including fellowships, honors, and awards (provide the year of each)
  5. Letters of recommendation from two respected scholars. Scholars from on or off campus writing letters of recommendation should:
  6. Include a paragraph outlining their own position in the field,
  7. Discuss the impact of the nominee's research or artistic work in the field, and
  8. Limit their letters to a maximum of three pages.

If materials are missing, an individual's nomination for this award will not be considered. Materials submitted that are not requested above will not be considered.

The Deans Council selects the award recipient. In selecting the recipient, the council will give greater weight to refereed publications and/or juried exhibits and performances than to other evidence of research produced, particularly those published/taking place within the past five years. Research, as defined in the Faculty Personnel Rules, is "creative activity evidenced by contributions to the knowledge, works, techniques, or principles, or by demonstrations of one's mastery of the techniques or principles of one's discipline, in media appropriate to it, which are or were available to critical evaluation by one's peers within the discipline."


Deadline: March 1

Please contact Matthew Vick , Dean of the School of Graduate Studies, who can be contacted with any questions.

Nomination Form

2024 - Teresa F. Faris, Art and Design
2023 - Jeff Herriott, Music
2022 - Kristen Prock, Social Work
2021 - David Welsch, Economics
2020 - Jo Ann Oravec, Information Technology and Supply Chain Management
2019 - Daniel R. Stalder, Psychology
2017 - Sameer Prasad, Information Technology and Supply Chain Management
2016 - K. Praveen Parboteeah, Management
2015 - Michael Bennett, Languages and Literatures
2014 - Scott Peters, Educational Foundations
2013 - Jian Guo, Languages and Literatures
2012 - Maxwell Hsu, Marketing
2011 - Manuel Ossers, Languages and Literatures
2010 - Christian Ellenwood, Music
2009 (Co-Winner) - Sang Choi, Occupational and Environmental Safety and Health
2009 (Co-Winner) - Susan Messer, Art
2008 - Praveen Parboteeah, Management
2007 - Ki-Bong Nam, Mathematical and Computer Sciences
2006 - Bob Benjamin, Physics
2005 - Jimmy Peltier, Marketing
2004 - James Jaffe, History
2003 - Larry Neuman, Sociology
2002 - Mike Woller, Biological Sciences
2001 - Rick Adams, Biological Sciences
2000 - George Ferencz, Music
1999 - James Peltier, Marketing
1998 - Meg Waraczynski, Psychology
1997 - Sibdas Ghosh, Geography; G.M. Naidu, Marketing
1996 - Agate Nesaule, Languages and Literatures
1995 - David Cartwright, Philosophy and Religious Studies
1994 - Ronald Berger, Sociology
1993 - Charles Zastrow, Social Work
1992 - Andrea Nye, Philosophy and Religion
1991 - Margot Peters, Languages and Literatures
1990 - Benjamin Rhodes, History
1989 - Raju Velu, Marketing
1988 - Malvina Baica, Math
1987 - Linda Threadgill, Art
1986 - Margot Peters, English

Dr. Elmer G. Redford '59 Faculty Service Award

The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater honors a faculty member each year who has demonstrated outstanding service to the University or the academic profession.

About the award

Founded in honor of Dr. Elmer G. Redford, Class of 1959.

"Service" is defined as contributions to the University, as well as professional and public services activities.

  • Contributions to the University include contributions to the governance, administration, and operation of the institution.
  • Professional and public service activities include activities in the faculty member's discipline, art, profession, or society, provided that the faculty member provides such service as a practitioner of his/her discipline, art, or profession, or as a representative of the University or University system.

Consult the Standard Classification of Performance Data in the Faculty Personnel Rules for a list of service activities. Teaching and research activities are excluded from consideration for this award.

All nominees for the award will be publicly announced and celebrated through university communication. The recipient of the award will also:

  • Receive a monetary award
  • Have their name and photograph displayed in the Anderson Library for one year
  • Be recognized at university events

Eligibility and selection process

To be eligible for this award, the nominee must be a voting member of the faculty (see Article III, Section 3 of the Faculty Constitution) and must not be a previous recipient of this award. The chair of the Faculty Senate will contact anyone who nominates an ineligible individual.


Deadline: February 15

Nominations for the university-level Faculty Service Award may be submitted as self-nomination, nomination by a colleague, nomination by a department, or nomination by a college. A nominee does not need to win their department or college award to be considered for the university award. 

The nominating entity should submit the following application materials:

  1. A letter of nomination no longer than two typed letter-sized pages.
  2. A narrative of no longer than three typed pages describing the significance of the candidate's service activities.
  3. A listing of titles and dates of service activities. Contributions identified by an applicant must have been made while a member of the faculty at 足彩平台.

Note: If materials are missing, an individual's nomination for this award may not be considered.

After the Faculty Service Award Committee reviews all nominations, the chair of the committee will submit the names of all nominees and the winner to the Provost's Office by March 1. Please contact the chair of the Faculty Senate with any questions.

Nomination form

2024 - Gregory Porcaro
2023 - Russ Kashian
2022 - Pilar Melero
2021 - David Simmons
2020 - Amy Stevens
2019 - Anne Stinson
2018 - Michael Allsen
2017 - Elena Levy-Navarro
2016 - Anthony Gulig
2015 - William Dougan
2013 - Hephzibah Kumpaty
2012 - Glenn Hayes
2011 - James Hartwick
2010 - Joe Hogan
2009 - Jimmy Peltier
2008 - Edward Erdmann
2007 - Manuel Ossers
2006 - Richard Salem
2005 - Zohreh Ghavamshahidi
2004 - David Cartwright
2003 - Robert Gruber
2002 - Virginia Epps
2001 - Sibdas Ghosh
2000 - Jim Winship
1999 - Dieudonne Phanord
1998 - James Leaver, Peter Conover
1997 - John Kozlowicz
1996 - Richard Schauer
1995 - Charles Cottle
1994 - E. John Rabe
1993 - Jerome Laurent
1992 - Ashok Bhargava
1991 - Elizabeth Blumberg
1990 - Gordon Parks
1989 - Keith Collins
1988 - Patricia Townsend
1987 - Everett Long
1986 - M. Corinne Clark

Sally Bean Faculty and Instructional Staff Academic Advising Award

The University Faculty/Staff Academic Advising Award recognizes a faculty member or instructional academic staff member who has demonstrated excellence in the academic advising of students.

About the award

Founding Donor: Sally Bean Classes of 1981 and 1986. This annual award is endowed by an alum who recognizes that academic advisors are often a crucial element of student success as they offer encouragement and direction, especially for first-generation students.  

All nominees will be publicly announced and celebrated through university communication. The recipient of the award will:

  • Receive a physical and monetary award
  • Have their name and photograph displayed in the Anderson Library for one year 
  • Be recognized at university events

Eligibility and selection process

Each college nominates one candidate and will develop its own criteria for selecting a college nominee. 

To be eligible, nominees must:

  • Be a teaching faculty or Instructional Academic Staff member
  • Have a minimum of three (3) years experience as a 足彩平台 academic advisor
  • Not be a previous recipient of this award for the past two years

(Academic staff whose primary responsibility is advising should be nominated for the Excellence Award for Academic Staff.)

The criteria for this award are listed below, including excellence in advising and other aspects of student success. Exhibiting excellence in advising must be included, but other engagement with students will be considered.  Nominees actions are expected to go above and beyond the standard expectations for faculty within each college and/or department.

  • Active engagement in advising students (which may include):
    • Serving as a faculty advisor (identify your college’s advising model, your role in advising student’s, your case load, etc.)
    • Engagement with advising beyond course registration (i.e.: SOAR advising [uncompensated], premier days, accepted student days, etc.)
    • Leadership or Participation in college/department advising sessions
    • Monitoring of student progress toward academic and career goals
    • Utilization of developmental advising practices (i.e.: discipline related planning, career advising, post graduate preparation)
    • Development/maintenance of advising support materials and/or presentations (advising check sheets, advising informational handouts, digital information)
    • Participation in professional development specific to academic advising outside of college/department required meetings
    • Outreach to unenrolled students
    • Advising related honors or awards
    • Other
  • Participation in mentoring students (which may include):
    • Connecting students with high impact practices such as: internships, research opportunities, study abroad experiences, etc.
    • Participation in creating and/or advising professional development activities and programs
    • Participation in professional advising organizations or campus committees
    • Working with students who may be struggling academically, socially, or personally
    • Other

  • Participation in advancing student success initiatives (which may include):
    • Advising student organizations
    • Nominating students for awards
    • Encouraging and supporting students applying for scholarships
    • Substantial/substantive work in learning and applying empirically-supported pedagogical approaches shown to increase student success
    • Other

  • Participation in professional development related to student success (which may include):
    • Inviting and mentoring students through participation in discipline specific conferences
    • Inviting and co-authoring research with students
    • Assisting students with graduate/professional school applications (i.e.: review personal statements, write letters of recommendation, etc.)
    • Development of professional or career specific activities or experiences
    • Other


Deadline:  February 15

The following materials need to be submitted by each college combined in a single electronic PDF:

  • Nominee's personal narrative addressing the award criteria (no more than 2 pages).
  • Nominee's philosophy related to academic advising and student success (no more than 1 page).
  • Nominee's resume or vita limited to advising and student success related activities and current position (see criteria).
  • Letters of support (4)
    • Letter of support from department chair and/or other faculty/academic staff or advising staff.
    • Two (2) letters of support from current or former advisees or alumni (indication of advising success)
    • Letter of support from chair of college award committee or college advising coordinator

If materials are missing, an individual's nomination for this award may not be considered.

The recipient of this award is selected by a committee composed of one representative from each academic college, with a designee from the Provost's Office chairing the committee.  

After the University Advising Award Committee reviews all nominations, the chair of the committee will submit the names of all nominees and the winner to the Provost's Office by March 31. 

Please contact Jessica Stein, , Director of the Academic Advising , who can answer any questions.

Nomination Form

2024 - Molly Goecks
2023 - Jared Janovec
2022 - Yao Fu
2021 - Carmen Rivers
2020 - Alicia de Gregorio
2019 - Kris Kranenburg
2018 - Jim Disrude
2017 - Zachary Oster
2016 - Anne Tillett
2015 - Susan Kidd
2014 - J. Michael Allsen
2013 - Kathy Brady

Everett and Ellen Long Award for the Advancement of General Education

The Everett and Ellen Long Award for the Advancement of General Education is awarded annually to a faculty member who has been vital in advancing the centrality of general education.

About the award

Everett and Ellen Long endowed an annual award to recognize and honor a faculty or staff member for advancement of the General Education program. Everett Long, professor emeritus and former chair of the History Department, and Ellen Long, former instructor in the College of Business and Economics, wished to recognize and honor a faculty or academic staff member who has contributed to General Education. This is not meant as a teaching award, but rather to recognize those who have promoted the Gen Ed program in a variety of ways.

All nominees will be publicly announced and celebrated through university communication. The recipient of the award will also:

  • Receive a physical and monetary award
  • Have their name and photograph displayed in the Anderson Library for one year 
  • Be recognized at university events

Eligibility and selection process

The award winner will be nominated by an administrator or colleague who has significant knowledge of the individual’s contribution to General Education at 足彩平台. The award winner will have advanced and nurtured the Gen Ed program, ensured that it occupies a pre-eminent position within the curriculum, helped to ensure its continued vitality, and fostered interdisciplinarity within the program.


Deadline: February 15

A candidate's nomination materials should consist of the following, submitted electronically:

  1. A letter of nomination (no longer than two pages) from a department, dean or academic administrator outlining the nominee's contributions to General Education.
  2. A current curriculum vita, including specific activities and accomplishments relating to General Education.
  3. A statement written by the nominee (no longer than two pages) explaining their philosophy of General Education, including an explanation of how they have advanced and nurtured the General Education Program, ensured that it continues to occupy a pre-eminent position within the curriculum and its continuing vitality, and fostered interdisciplinarity within the program.

Please contact Jessica Bonjour, general education coordinator via email to with any questions.   The award recipient is selected by members of the General Education Review Committee or their designees. This rubric will be used to aid the selection of the recipient.

After the committee reviews all nominations, the chair of the committee will submit the names of all nominees and the winner to the Provost's Office by March 31.

Nomination Form

2024 - Jessica L. Bonjour
2023 - Karl W. Brown 
2022 - John D. Frye
2021 - Trudi Witonsky
2020 - Tammy French
2018 - Fe Evangelista
2016 - Michael Flanagan
2014 - Elizabeth Hachten
2012 - Jane Riegel Ferencz

Excellence Awards for Academic Staff

Two academic staff members are honored each year, one from the instructional/teaching staff, for their contributions to the university.

About the award

All nominees will be publicly announced and celebrated through university communication. The recipient of the award will also:

  • Receive a physical and monetary award
  • Have their name and photograph displayed in the Anderson Library for one year 
  • Be recognized at university events

Eligibility and selection process

There is an open call for nominations for the two Academic Staff awards. An individual, college, department, unit, or program may serve as the nominator for a candidate. Any individual nominated needs to meet the eligibility criteria listed below. 

The awards are limited to Academic Staff at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater who are employed 50% time or more, and who have not received the award in the past three years.


Deadline: February 15

The nomination materials may be presented in any form deemed appropriate by the nominator. Please limit nomination materials to five (5) pages or less (not including letters of recommendation). Up to three (3) letters of recommendations may be submitted with the nomination. If you are nominating someone, please be aware that it is appropriate and beneficial to contact the nominee for the most current and in-depth information. 

A complete application will include:

  1. Information about the nominee:
  • Nominee's name
  • Position/title
  • Job description
  • Years of service at 足彩平台
  • Current department/unit
  • Name of the nominator

In addition to the above information listed, materials may include content that speaks to any or all of the following areas:

  1. (For instructional staff) Explain why this individual's classroom/job performance merits consideration for this award.
  • Has the nominee edited their syllabi to reflect changes in their field and/or department assessment needs?
  • Does the nominee create new assignments, modules, lecture/lab content from scratch, or modify/update their teaching materials?
  • Has the nominee employed novel teaching techniques/innovations to encourage active and lifelong learning (i.e. innovative pedagogy, flipped classroom, think/pair/share, polling, etc.)?
  • Does the nominee have teaching-related duties, such as serving as a coordinator for discussion/lab sections for multiple section courses?
  • Does the nominee seek out additional pedagogical trainings such as CORE workshops or LEARN center opportunities?
  • Using student evaluation scores and informal feedback, can the nominee address their successes/failures in the classroom? How has the nominee employed student feedback to increase student learning, retention, and success?
  • Does the nominee address department evaluations to /adjust teaching accordingly
  1. What does this person do that is above and beyond the usual requirements of their position at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater? List any other information that you think may assist the selection committee in its deliberations regarding this individual.
  • Indicate contributions this individual has made through service on committees at the departmental, unit, college or university level.
  • Indicate professional contributions this individual has made, such as leadership in professional organizations, publications, performances, advising student groups, assisting with student seminars, research, etc.  
  • List any professional awards earned by this individual.   
  • List contributions that this individual has made beyond the immediate job, including community and state service, charitable work, etc.

The Academic Staff Awards Committee reviews the received nominations and selects a recipient for each award. The committee consists of a minimum of four members, with at least two members from instructional/teaching staff. A member of the Academic Staff Assembly acts as the liaison/facilitator for the committee. Actions of the Awards Committee are presented to the Academic Staff Assembly for ratification. 

Please contact the Academic Staff Assembly Awards committee chair Ciera Edwards , who can answer any questions.

Nomination Form

Academic Staff

2024 - Kim Apel, Career Services
2023 - Kristine Zaballos, University Marketing and Communication
2022 - Aaron Axelsen, ICIT
2021 - Krista Kim, Counselor Education
2020 - Terri DeWalt, Health and Counseling Services
2019 - Allison Prather, Academic Advising and Exploration Center
2017 - Amanda Krier-Jenkins, University Housing
2016 - Tapan Shah, Graduate Studies | Ellen Latoraca, University Library
2014 - Robert Lanza, Intercollegiate Athletics
2012 - Freda Briscoe, Minority Business/Teaching Preparation Programs
2013 - Terry Tumbarello, University Housing
2011 - Connie Wiersma, Center for Students with Disabilities
2010 - Denise Ehlen, Research and Sponsored Programs
2009 - Catarino (David) Delgado, Curriculum and Instruction
2008 - Jan Bilgen, Leadership Development
2007 - Linda Long, New Student Programs
2006 - Ron Buchholz, Leadership Development
2005 - Ruth Swisher, University Health & Counseling
2004 - Robert Gambsky, Admissions
2003 - Sandi Scott Duex, Residence Life
2002 - Terri Golembiewski, Biological Sciences
2001 - Lou Zahn, Continuing Education
2000 - Lorna Wong, Instructional Technology Services
1999 - Michael Flanagan, Art
1998 - Debra Heiber, Special Education
1997 - Jeff Janz, Residence Life
1996 - Nelia Olivencia, Academic Support Services
1995 - Robert Paulson, Technology and Information Resources
1994 - Ronald Buchholz, Leadership Development
1993 - Donald Chrusciel, Facilities Planning and Management
1992 - Steven Key, Technology and Information Resources
1991 - Lou Zahn, Continuing Education
1990 - Rama Bharadwaj, International Programs
1989 - James Stewart, Registrar
1988 - Brenda Rust, Counseling Services
1987 - Constance Dalke, Special Education
1986 - Greg Theune, Photographics

Instructional Academic Staff

2024 - Anne C. Mancl, Communication
2023 - Brian Schanen, Communication 
2022 - Nadine L. Kriska, Biology
2021 - Lynn DuPree, Management
2020 - Bethann Handzlik, Art and Design
2019 - Tracey Lyons, Lecturer of Theatre/Dance
2018 - Katherine Drechsler, Social Work
2017 - William Lowell, Communication
2016 - Holly Denning, Criminology and Anthropology
2015 - Ellen Boldt, Languages and Literatures
2014 - Kris Kranenburg, Communication
2013 - Carmen Rivers
2012 - Karen Boe, Music
2011 - Brian Leeper, Music
2010 - George Clokey, Biological Science
2009 - Renee Pfeifer-Luckett, Marketing
2008 - William Lowell, Communication
2007 - Kasumi Kato, Languages and Literatures
2006 - Jeanine Fassl, Communication
2005 - Robin Pettersen, Theatre/Dance
2004 - Susan Kidd, Curriculum and Instruction
2003 - John Luecke, Communication
2002 - Jane Riegel Ferencz, Music
2001 - John Tuinstra, Music
2000 - Gay Davidson-Zielske, Languages and Literatures
1999 - Deborah Hall, Special Education
1998 - Allen Einerson, Academic Support Services
1997 - Jayati Ghosh, Geography/Geology
1996 - Carlene McMonagle, Music
1995 - M. William Johnson, Communication
1994 - Jo Ann Hobbs, Music
1993 - Joyce Ryan, Music
1992 - Jon Kofas, History
1991 - Dennis Trudell, English
1990 - Patricia Hooper, Communication
1989 - Marilyn Durham, English
1988 - James Sisak, Management
1987 - Mary Bross, Special Education
1986 - Patricia Kalanquin, Communication

University Staff Excellence awards

This award recognizes University Staff employees who demonstrate excellence, professionalism, and a positive attitude in their work.

About the awards

This award recognizes UW-W University Staff employees who demonstrate excellence, professionalism, and a positive attitude in their work.  Two awards will be presented to nominees selected by the University Staff Council during the spring semester.  Winners receive recognition as a University Staff Excellence Award recipient, a free meal at the University Staff annual employee recognition event, a trophy/plaque, and a $100 stipend.

Eligibility and selection process

University Staff employees who have worked a minimum of 12 months at 足彩平台 are eligible.

The nomination form will ask the following questions:
1.  Please describe the nominee's professionalism and attittude.  How do they demonstrate a flexible and adaptable approach and collaborate/communicate positively with others in the campus community? 
2.  Please describe how the nominee demonstrates excellence.  How do they take initiative and go above and beyond, seek additional responsibilities, anticipate needs, and find solutions?
3.  Please describe the nominee's ability to create an inclusive environment. How do they foster respect, mindful communication, safety, and trust?
4.  What else should the USC Employee Recognition Committee know about the nominee?


Deadline: March 1

A nominations form must be completed for each nominee.  Nominations for this award are accepted from peers, colleagues, supervisors, etc.  Self-nominations are not accepted.

The University Staff Council Employee Recognition Subcommittee rates the responses to the nomination questions.

Please contact 
with any questions.

Nomination form

2024 - Tom Ness, Heather Rasmussen
2023 -  Terrie Freed, Julie Ridgeman
2022 - Ann Dudzek, Elizabeth Lamb, Paul Walton
2021 - Karen Brueggeman, Amber Kammeraad
2020 - Gretchen Kinney, Julia Rowehl
2019 - Wes Enterline, Lori Trimble
2018 - Tricia Borchardt, Edward Kos
2017 - Melissa Walton, Mande Zierath
2016 - Kate Bramann, Kelsey Servi
2015 - Miguel Aranda, Janice Nordin
2014 - Ayn Hess, Eunice Lehner
2013 - Nick Ciesinski, Julie Marino

Diversity and Inclusivity awards

John Truesdale Staff Award for Innovation in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

The recipient of the John Truesdale Award for Innovation in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion is selected based on the following criteria:

  • Has solved problems/met needs related to diversity and inclusion on campus/in our community in innovative ways
  • Has assisted underserved and/or marginalized populations at 足彩平台 in creative and collaborative ways

Truesdale Award being held by two peopleAbout the award

This award is named for John Truesdale, the founding director of 足彩平台's Center for Students with Disabilities, the founder of the Adaptive Recreation program, the first coach of 足彩平台's wheelchair basketball team, and a life-long advocate for accessibility and inclusion on our campus.

Eligibility and selection process

Non-Instructional Academic Staff and University Staff are eligible for this award. The Chancellor's Committee on Inclusive Excellence seeks nominations from the campus community. Individuals are allowed to submit multiple nominations for any or all awards (a separate nomination form is required for each nomination). The committee then determines the award recipients based on these nominations.


Deadline: January 31

Nomination form

2024 - Stacy Weber, University Health and Counseling Services
2023 - Han Ngo, College of Business and Economics
2022 - Melissa Miller, Nurse Practitioner
2021 - Isabella Virrueta, Career and Leadership Development
2020 - James Levy, History

Fannie Hicklin Faculty Award for Trailblazers in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

The recipient of the Fannie Hicklin Award for Trailblazers in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion will be selected based on the following criteria:

  • Has demonstrated a passion for diversity, equity and inclusion in teaching
  • Has served as a role model to fellow faculty and students

About the award

This award is named for Fannie Hicklin, 足彩平台's first African American faculty member. Dr. Hicklin taught in the Theatre/Dance Department, directed more than 50 campus theatre productions and helped establish Summer Theatre in the Park and the Touring Children's Theatre programs; she was a trailblazing teacher, mentor, and artist who transformed campus through her multiple leadership positions.

Eligibility and selection process

Faculty and Instructional Staff are eligible for this award. The Chancellor's Committee on Inclusive Excellence seeks nominations from the campus community. Individuals are allowed to submit multiple nominations for any or all awards (a separate nomination form is required for each nomination). The Committee then determines the award recipients based on these nominations.


Deadline: January 31

Nomination form

2024 - Rashiqa Kamal, Finance and Business Law
2023 - Juk Bhattacharyya, Geography, Geology and Environmental Science; Eileen Hayes, College of Arts and Communication
2022 - Nate Maddux, College of Integrated Studies
2021 - Jenna Cushing-Leubner, Curriculum and Instruction
2020 - Nomsa Gwalla-Ogisi, Special Education

Roger Pulliam Award for Legacy-Builders in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

The recipient of the Roger Pulliam Award for Legacy-Builders in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion will be selected based on the following criteria:

  • Has demonstrated a long-term commitment to inclusion and diversity at 足彩平台 through a multiplicity of engagement and across disciplines/programs
  • Has played an active mentoring and/or leadership role on campus

About the award

This award is named for Roger Pulliam, emeritus assistant vice chancellor of Academic Support Services and former director of advancement at 足彩平台. In addition to teaching in the College of Education, Dr. Pulliam was the co-founder of the university's McNair Scholar and Upward Bound programs, as well as a long-time senior faculty advisor of the Office of National Black Student Union.

Eligibility and selection process

All Faculty and Staff are eligible for this award. The Chancellor's Committee on Inclusive Excellence seeks nominations from the campus community. Individuals are allowed to submit multiple nominations for any or all awards (a separate nomination form is required for each nomination). The Committee then determines the award recipients based on these nominations.


Deadline: January 31

Nomination form

2024 - Terri Jones, King/Chavez Scholars Program
2023 - Robin Fox, Academic Affairs
2022 - John Dominguez, Jr.
2021 - Ozalle Toms, Student Diversity, Engagement and Success
2020 - Anneke Lisberg, Department of Biological Sciences

Excellence in Disability Advocacy and Service Award

This award recognized faculty or staff who have made a significant impact on accessibility issues in the classroom or campus for students with disabilities.

About the award

In 1973, the University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents designated 足彩平台 with a unique mission to provide exemplary services for students with disabilities. Since then, the university has served as a national leader in this effort. We honor those individuals who go above and beyond their dedication to this noble work. The award is presented by the chancellor at the Center for Students with Disabilities Award Ceremony the third week of April and announced to the campus community.

Eligibility and selection process

The Chancellor’s Committee on Disability Concerns invites you to submit nominations. Faculty and staff employees who have been helpful to students with disabilities above and beyond normal job duties are eligible. Any faculty, staff member, or student may nominate an individual.

The awards subcommittee, composed of 4-5 members of the Chancellor’s Committee on Disability Concerns, will select the recipient. No current member of the Chancellor’s Committee on Disability Concerns is eligible for an award due to a conflict of interest. Once a member no longer serves on the committee, they may receive an award.

Once a person has received this award three times, they will receive a fourth and final award. The official name of this final award is The Chancellor’s Lifetime Recognition Award. (This award may be given under special circumstances at the discretion of the awards subcommittee in the absence of a person receiving three prior awards.)


Deadline: March 30

Please send nominations to Debbie Reuter at

Please state your name and department and the name and department of the person you are nominating. Describe in a couple of paragraphs why you think the person deserves this award. Include specific examples of what that person did.

- Jim Mead – University Housing, College of Arts and Communication
- Nadine Kriska – Biology

- Susan Johnson - College of Letters and Sciences
- Tree Lind - Art and Design

- Bakhtear Talukdar - Finance
- Zac Gholston - University Housing

- Elizabeth Watson - Student Affairs
- Eric Loepp - Political Science
- Kirsten Mortimer/Aaron Axelsen - ICIT

- Gretchen Kinney - College of Education and Professional Studies
- Rajen Patel - University Housing

- Mary Kaster - Lifetime Achievement
- Katherine Drechsler - Social Work

- Tonia Kapitan - University Center

- Richard Telfer - Lifetime Achievement
- Susan Wildermuth - Communication
- Kari Borne - Continuing Education
- Jennifer Anderson - Sociology
- Loren Wilbers - Sociology

- Earle Young - Research and Sponsored Programs
- Cynthia Conrad
- Alan Hoesly - University Housing

- David Dorgan - Lifetime Achievement
- Staff - Facilities Planning and Management
- Huckleberry Rahr - Mathematical and Computer Sciences
- Susan Huss-Lederman - Languages and Literature
- Ken Powers - Residence Life

- Nancy Amacher - Center for Students with Disabilities
- Clifford O’Beirne - Psychology
- Greg Swanson - Facilities Planning and Management
- Eric Compas - Geography and Geology
- Dave Soliz - Facilities Planning and Management

- Michael K. Sacco - Police Services
- Carolyn Wilson - ICIT
- George Clokey - Biological Sciences
- Heather Long - Residence Life

- Connie Wiersma - Lifetime Achievement
- Steven Sahyun - Physics
- Alan Hoesly - Residence Life
- Julie Ridgeman - Communication
- George Clokey - Biology

- John Truesdale - Lifetime Achievement
- Marcia Pulich - Lifetime Achievement
- Randy Marnocha - Administrative Affairs
- Anne Mancle - Communication
- George Clokey - Biological Sciences
- Simone DeVore - Special Education
- Steve Bertagnolli - Facilities Planning and Management
- Russell Manke - Residence life
- Bruce Meisner - Residence life
- Margaret Phillips - Chemistry

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